getting space

When you live in a Brooklyn 1.5 BR and both work from home, and have a similar social circle, it’s easy for me to always be around Jason. While he’s a sweetheart readers, it’s not healthy to spend allllllll your time with one person. You both need personal time as well as time with others.

So I’m trying to get back out there more now that I’m boosted from Covid. Some activities I’ve done include but are not limited to:

  • signing up for a full weekend printmaking course

  • going to a still life drawing session

  • taking myself to the movies

  • extra friend time

  • reading at a café

  • phone calls

I certainly have a lot of solitary activities I do at home as well to have my own quiet, but these were just a few things on the top of my mind. If you haven’t yet this year, ask yourself, what can I do differently? What do I want to do differently? Then go get it.


what did I learn this year